Thursday, January 22, 2009

Black is in!

Larry King admitted that his 8yr old son wishes he was black.... "There's a lot of advantages to being black," King said. "Black is in. Is this a turning of the tide?" Someone should tell little Cannon King that black has always been in... white people been jackin' our style. The real question is why Larry King's old ass has an 8yr old son? smh!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Le Question Du Jour: Why Do Men Cheat?

I have had the unfortunate privilege to, every week, hear about another one of my friends getting cheated on and the question always posed is: why do men cheat? Today, I felt the inclination to address it. I am by no means an expert in the convoluted (ha) thoughts of men, but in talking to some of my guy friends, this is what I’ve come up with:

  1. Because they can—Let’s take former NY Governor Spitzer for example. He seemed to have everything: money, power, success, and a loving family. And yet still with everything to lose, he cheated on his wife...because he can. Ladies lets be real here. For various reasons, it seems to be rare that a woman leaves (permanently anyway) after her man cheats. When women reaffirm that, men continue to do whatever they want because they know shorty will be there til the end. Hey...maybe the dude really puts it down. Some might not think that’s important, but I know many a female who have stayed in fucked up situations for some mind-blowing sex...that wheelbarrow jumpoff really is on point btw, but I digress
  2. Then there’s the “it’s just sex” argument. Ok, now in seeing the dealings of some of my closest male cohorts, I do believe that a man can still love his girl/fiancĂ©e/wife the same way even if he’s doing his dirt on the side. It’s kind of like living a double life cause one situation does not effect the other…the problem is that it should! His love for his girl should preclude him from hurting her and cheating
  3. My favorite: the only thing better than good p*ssy than new p*ssy: ‘nuff said on that
  4. It’s biological: now this is a lil controversial, but what the hell. So in ancient times, men used to have numerous wives and concubines and what have you so as to maximize the number of his possible heirs and to make sure to proliferate his name. Women, however, are pregnant for 9 months so women are used to being dedicated to one man. Biologically speaking, it may just not be natural for men to be faithful. Unfortunately for them, society says they are just gonna have to get over that.
  5. Some guys are just innately and forever shady

Does knowing any of this help? Probably not because at the end of the day, people are going to do what they are going to do. I’ve been told by many men: but not every man cheats and there are a lot of stories where men who cheated stop for the right girl, stop after getting married, or don’t get married to get the cheating out of their system so there is hope.

(Shouts to Hurrikane)

For those who are not about “hope,” there’s a saying “Men are like buses. You never chase one, because there is always another coming in fifteen minutes.” Recently, it has become a quite useful mantra. As soon as any “bus” [read: man] shows the smallest sign of breaking down on me, I swiftly hop off that joint at the nearest stop and wait for the next bus. Ya’ll city folks all know that your worst nightmare is being stuck on a broke down bus, all pissed cuz the air conditioning is off (God forbid there may be other unsolicited chicks on the bus as well) and then you see a perfectly functional bus rolling right by you with an ugly chick on it, all comfortable and laid back in her seat, swiftly and efficiently reaching her destination drama free, and express at that!

I have hopped many a bus in fear of future unreliability.

Then one day I was talking to a friend (that is what I’m calling him and I’m sticking to it. He’s too young for me, but I can keep a secret) and my mantra came up, to which he responds, “Yes most men are like busses. But some are like BMW’s. And a few are like Maserati’s.”

DAMN. Checkmate. He’s right.

Then I started thinking to myself – why is it that so many of us ladies take the bus? Let me take the time to make clear that this bus, BMW, Maserati analogy has nothing to do with money, it’s about quality. I know many a wealthy bus nigga. Tsk. Tsk.


Ladies have you ever found yourself out in the cold, losing hope that a BMW gentleman will be picking you up and driving you to the land of Milk and Honey? Why is it that, even though we know that a BMW is out there, we instantly lose faith and hop on the first raggedy ass bus that we see? The ticker says that this bus is going to your destination, so we get all complacent and say “okay fine I’ll take it for a ride” (aoww). Then we get pissed when the joint runs local, doesn’t take you where advertised, and/or breaks down on you at the worst time. Then we get off the damn bus, all pissed cuz now not only are we not where we want to be, but we wasted mad time with this awkward, shady vehicle. I guess you could argue that even a rickety, raggedly, local running bus is better than walking. (Or is it?)

What about those BMWs and those Maserati’s? Where the hell are they and why don’t the manufacture more of them joints? First of all, if you find yourself a Maserati you better count your blessings and keep that car clean, polished, and in good running condition!! Beware though ladies, sometimes a BMW will come to pick you up and you know that it’s going to a destination that you are not tryna reach. Whether you saw through that shiny exterior, or if he let you know up front where he was going, you knew that it wasn’t where you wanted to be! But you get in anyway. And while the ride is so so nice, you soon realize that you are traveling farther and farther from your where you wanna be. And that, my loves, is when you have to politely pull over the car, step out, and with a classy smile on your face say, “Thanks for the memories, babe.”

Don’t be afraid to walk alone, girl, as long as you’re going in the right direction.