Sunday, December 28, 2008

Condy's Getting A-rab $$$

Despite President Bush's lack of popularity in the middle east, it seems that his top diplomat Condoleezza Rice has made a name/reputation of her own. According to one of my favorite news blogs she received $316,000 in jewels alone from Arab leaders. Busta might talk about getting A-Rab money but it looks like Condoleezza really is. LOL! Check out the article here.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This ain't your mama's music...or is it?

This might seem random...but the tight pants and orgasmic thrusts of the male vocalist and sultry moans of the female vocalists caught my attention while eating lunch today in a peruvian restaurant. They were showing a medley of videos by this group Boney M. I decided to follow up and learn a little more about the group.

With raunchy album covers, provocative lyrics and costumes, Boney M were trendsetters during the seventies. They were produced out of West Germany but the members hailed from the Caribbean... shout out to those who hail from Montserrat, Aruba and Jamaica (it's rare that you find another Montserratian). There music was extremely popular over in the UK, India, Australia, The Netherlands...pretty much everywhere except the U.S. This first video is called "Daddy Cool" and it was one of their biggest hits, the second video is "Ma Baker" which got much more play over here in the US. Check out what they wearing! Once again... random, but fun! and yes it probaly is your mama's music if she was in the disco during the late 70s and early 80s.

Daddy Cool

Ma Baker

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Can women be pimps? Or is she really just a whore with confidence?

This blog post is not some sociological interpretation of female madams and their impact on modern feminism. Rather, it is about is your home-girl who calls herself “a pimp” or “player” when it comes to the world of men and sex. Where as madams or real pimps, like Heidi Fleiss, used the bodies of the women they employed for sexual services, I’m talking about the woman who uses her own…not necessarily for money or gifts, although they might be part of the perks, but for the pure, raw enjoyment of the sexual experience. She’s got several men in rotation, and boosts about keeping up with the promiscuity of her male counterparts. Mimicking some of the behavior that’s most abhorred in men, she keeps up relationships with several men at a time, keeping them all at a certain distance, and steadfastly claiming that “there are no strings attached”.

Is she really a pimp, player, or mac? I’m not downing anyone’s right to have casual sex, or sexual exploration, but is having several partners at the same time really sexual exploration or just letting yourself be explored? Considering the very nature of sex and its dynamics, can a woman really say “there are no strings attached” when it’s her body that’s entered and sometimes left with a deposit from her most recent visitor? Now the female pimp might stop me here to correct me and tell me that her body is more a John Mayer-esque “Wonderland”, rather than a “Slip and Slide”, but I remain unconvinced. If every sexual experience is supposed to be some type of metaphysical connection between two bodies, how is it possible that you have that same connection with like three other people in same week. Better yet, do you ever wonder what you’re getting out sex? What’s the end goal for the female pimp – a couple dinner dates and pink polka dot Rolodex full of male acquaintances? I find it hard to believe that you are having great sex and tear inducing orgasms with every single partner.

The funny thing is, I truly believe that women are the more superior sex, and are capable of being better liars and more devious than most men. I’m fairly sure the female pimp can keep up more pseudo-relationships than her male counter parts and have all her partners convinced that they are the only ones. But what the female pimp fails to acknowledge is the fact is that there is probably more power in not giving it up than there is in being spread eagle. Great wars have waged by men simply over the possibility of getting some (Helen of Troy any one?). Think about it, male players give little and take a lot, all while dangling the mirage of a relationship in the face of their current plaything. If the male player currency is a relationship, perhaps its only fair that the female pimp keeps what the market wants high in demand, rather than tossing her currency around like free money (or better yet the US’s current economic stimulus package).

And as you treat your partners like a dessert tray, what happens when you can’t deny the fact that there maybe one particular dessert that hits the spot just right, satisfying you better than all the rest and leaving you longing for more? Ironically you face the same dilemma of the male player in the end. Now you want your late night dessert to turn into a breakfast croissant, and instead of a Sunday roll in the hay you want to enjoy a walk in the park. But like the male player –can anyone really take you seriously? Because you know, no one turns a hoe into a housewife…