Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This ain't your mama's music...or is it?

This might seem random...but the tight pants and orgasmic thrusts of the male vocalist and sultry moans of the female vocalists caught my attention while eating lunch today in a peruvian restaurant. They were showing a medley of videos by this group Boney M. I decided to follow up and learn a little more about the group.

With raunchy album covers, provocative lyrics and costumes, Boney M were trendsetters during the seventies. They were produced out of West Germany but the members hailed from the Caribbean... shout out to those who hail from Montserrat, Aruba and Jamaica (it's rare that you find another Montserratian). There music was extremely popular over in the UK, India, Australia, The Netherlands...pretty much everywhere except the U.S. This first video is called "Daddy Cool" and it was one of their biggest hits, the second video is "Ma Baker" which got much more play over here in the US. Check out what they wearing! Once again... random, but fun! and yes it probaly is your mama's music if she was in the disco during the late 70s and early 80s.

Daddy Cool

Ma Baker

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