Thursday, March 18, 2010

When to Shut up

One thing that really bothers me at work are the endless and ineffective meetings. Is it necessary to meet constantly to discuss each and every step of an action plan? There can't be any progress made if you are constantly interrupted by a meetings where you must update folks on your inevitable lack of progress. I think this is something that everyone deals with... which lead me to believe that its not just my boss who likes to hear himself talk. People are just obsessed with talking.

I came across this article on Huffington Post discussing this obsession with communication. If you find yourself wondering if you are guilty of obsessive talking here is a simple guide:

1. When someone starts a sentence with "We need to talk about..." run for the hills.

2. If you think you have a great idea for an invention, book, product or song, wait until it is ready to come out. Don't wrench it from its womb while it is incubating.

3. If you feel you are not having sex often enough or as you want it, think again about talking about it. You may make your partner feel even less like having sex.

4. Obviously, when your partner asks for advice, shut up.

5. When talking replaces action, lose the talking in favor of the action. The next time you are inspired by someone telling you to live your best life now, sketch out an action plan immediately after. If not it will live in soap bubbles of inspiration and will serve the sole purpose of temporarily making you feel inspired without any follow-up impact.

Talking is a balm for the lonely and afraid, but a poison for those who use it to replace the art of living.

Scheiße, oder Sie steigen den Topf!

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