Friday, July 31, 2009

D-list Dames

This was an ad on one of my favorite gossip blogs- Bossip. I am not posting it to publicize it. I am posting it to ask what the hell happened to these chicks to make them pose nude for a hip-hop website?! I am not knocking the nude/semi-nude or sexy photos...but this hardly seems classy. Reagan Gomez from the Parenthood! Mya! Really?! Are times tough or is this what they aimed for?

*Let me add that there is no hate here- the girls look great and they are beautiful women (at least with the help of lots of weave and make-up).

Poetic Justice 2009

Lil Mama: No words are necessary here...

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I bet Solange Knowles is regretting having uttered this statement:

“I get asked about Beyonce all the time but I try and make fun of it. Sometimes I say she’s not my sister. Other times I say I’ve stuffed her in my suitcase and sent it to Dubai. I have to have fun with it or I’ll turn into Britney – shave my head and go totally crazy.”

Solange is showing classic signs of being the youngest. Yet still, she isn't the only chick sporting next to nothing. Amber Rose actually makes it look fly.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Obama looking frumpy?

I wish they would just leave him alone... even though I was thinking it myself. LOL!


B****** Love Online Gossip. Hmmm not quite what you were thinking? Me neither. This is the title for Kandi Burruss's upcoming album. It is inspired by everything that's been going on with her in her reality show life...not quite sure what that is yet but we will soon find out. She will be one of the housewives in the upcoming season to of the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Season 1 was everyone's guilty pleasure but who knows what season 2 will do. I'm not quite sure how someone who was supposed to be on the ghetto fabulous 'Tiny & Toya' show has instead been placed on The Real Housewives of Atlanta but I suppose we will find out soon enough. I think it's also notable to add that she is engaged to AJ, former 106 and park personality. Kandi's own insight on the matter here

14years old, 555Lbs and a fugitive

A 555lb 14 yr old boy! What! How did this happen?! Couldn't someone at least have stopped him at 200lbs....How in the hell do you get to 555lbs at the age of 14? This poor kid...

The boy disappeared with his mother after she was accused of neglecting his health was found with her Thursday afternoon at a laundry in Maryland, authorities said. Paramedics checked Alexander Draper, 14, before turning him over to the Maryland Department of Human Resources, police said. The two were found in Woodlawn area of Baltimore County, police said.

His mother, 49-year-old Jerri Gray, was arrested on a charge of violating a custody order, police said. South Carolina officials plan to pursue her extradition back to the state. Authorities said the teen was at a "stage of critical health risk" but wouldn't provide details about his medical condition beyond his weight, said Greenville County Sheriff's Lt. Shea Smith.

The story continues at MSNBC

Monday, July 20, 2009

Strawberry Swing

Coldplay's "Strawberry Swing", from their album "Viva la Vida."

The video was directed by the creative/animation team Shynola, and it features a superhero version of Coldplay singer Chris Martin doing battle with a killer squirrel in a chalk board world.

I had to post this, it's one of the most creative videos (without any dancing involved) that I have seen in a while.

*Courtesy of videos on smash

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tales from the F train

I can't stand the "F" train. I don't know if it's because it has such a long route or what it is that makes it so attractive to Riff Raff and his friends.

10am queens bound train
Enter the "tear jerking" beggar...
"Ladies and Gentlemen please forgive me for begging but I have no place to go. I have 6 kids and nothing to feed them. Anything you can spare would help."Yeah right! Try handing her that extra banana you were going to have as a snack and watch t
he look you get...they want them dollaz!

4pm headed back on the train toward Manhattan...home of the hustlers, a step up from the beggars.
A "deaf" man enters passing out sign language cards. Flip them over and they explain how he is making his living educating the public on the deaf. Where is the educational piece? It's simply a two sided piece of paper, one side the sign language alphabet, the other side with his explanation of begging. All you did was throw your cards at the supposedly uneducated train passengers and expect them to buy them at "any" price. What a lazy and unoriginal hustle! I remember back in the late 80s and 90s when people would pass out these sign language cards, as a kid I thought they were cool until the person would return looking for a dollar and I would be forced by my grandmother to give it back....Thanks but no thanks, I'll keep my dollar!

The deaf act is followed shortly by the desperate act. This one doesn't even bother to put in ANY effort. He is just straight dirt and grime. He shamelessly walks through the car in his get up of rags accessorized only by the garbage bag dragging behind him and coffee cup to collect change. He is cloaked in an original odor that only someone if his caliber could stir up. He doesn't bother with any speeches or plugs... Just a dirty old coffee cup to serve as his guide through the car full of disgusted and unsympathetic New Yorkers who have seen this all too often. I'm definitely keeping my change...and holding my breath!

Ugh, what will tomorrows train ride bring? Stay tuned for my Subway Series of Unfortunate Events...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mario- A Sex Symbol?

Break Up - Mario (featuring Gucci Mane and Sean Garrett)

It's evident that he is trying to elevate his status to sex symbol. I just don't know if I can handle the bald head just yet. I just got past the image of him sitting on the stoop singing "braid my hair..."

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ciara still at "Work"

Work- Ciara (featuring Missy Elliot)

Not really much to say about Ciara. She's pretty consistent, not necessarily improving but not getting any worse...

oh wait, almost forgot about that "We are the world" tribute at the BET awards. SMH. She tried.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

BLACKsummer's Night

7-7-09 Maxwell's long awaited album dropped and although it may have been slightly overshadowed by the illustrious funeral of Michale Jackson it was definitly not forgotten. The album, BLACKsummer's Night is a breath of fresh air and a return to true music.

The first single, Pretty Wings was only a preview to the beautiful melodies that come forth from his sultry voice. The second single, Bad Habits brought back that sense of familiarity and timelessness that is ever present in Maxwell's music (similar to the Alicia Key's vibe). The creativity and talent of the musicians is dispelled through their instruments and fused with Maxwell's sound making this album such a breath of fresh air.

There is something so genuine about Maxwell that comes across in his performances and once again in this album. These are not songs created for airtime or radioplay nor are they meant to be sing-a-longs with catchy hooks. I would say it's reflective, meditative, feel good music that you can play over and over again. You don't get the sense that he is trying to hard or aiming for a certain look, he is just being himself. He is not forcing the reinvention of himself on his audience, you just get the sense that he has taken hiatus to live and experience a bit more of life and now he is back to share. It definitely was worth the wait.

The most exciting thing is that this album is part of a trilogy, Black Summer's Night. Black is said to be more of a dark reflective album which brings you into, Summer, the present, more hopeful, uplifting and light. Night is the one that perhaps I look forward to the most, it is more of that 'Til the cops come knocking', 'This womans work,' 'Whenever wherever, whatever' type of music that Maxwell has been known to bring us in the past. Classy love making music. Fellas if you thrown on some Maxwell I guarantee you will get farther than you would by putting on The Dream... although you might want to thrown on some 'sweat it out' a little later on.