Tuesday, July 21, 2009

14years old, 555Lbs and a fugitive

A 555lb 14 yr old boy! What! How did this happen?! Couldn't someone at least have stopped him at 200lbs....How in the hell do you get to 555lbs at the age of 14? This poor kid...

The boy disappeared with his mother after she was accused of neglecting his health was found with her Thursday afternoon at a laundry in Maryland, authorities said. Paramedics checked Alexander Draper, 14, before turning him over to the Maryland Department of Human Resources, police said. The two were found in Woodlawn area of Baltimore County, police said.

His mother, 49-year-old Jerri Gray, was arrested on a charge of violating a custody order, police said. South Carolina officials plan to pursue her extradition back to the state. Authorities said the teen was at a "stage of critical health risk" but wouldn't provide details about his medical condition beyond his weight, said Greenville County Sheriff's Lt. Shea Smith.

The story continues at MSNBC

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