Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cindy McCain: Salty at the NY Times

According to Fox News, the McCain campaign is pissed over a New York Times article on Cindy McCain: her marriage (and mention of her miscarriages), her past addiction/theft of painkillers and her failure to fit in Washington (especially since she’s viewed as a home-wrecker and McCain’s past wife Carol was so well-liked)

This is an excerpt from the Times article:

“She played a role in the Keating Five savings-and-loan scandal, and just as her husband was rehabilitating his reputation, she was caught stealing drugs from her nonprofit organization to feed her addiction to painkillers. She has a fortune that sets the McCains apart from most other Americans, a problem in a presidential race that hinges on economic anxieties. She can be imprecise: she has repeatedly called herself an only child, for instance, even though she has two half-siblings, and has provided varying details about a 1994 mercy mission to Rwanda.”

John Dowd (Cindy McCain's attorney) wrote a letter to the NY Times Executive Editor, Bill Keller, for the story and tried to ram into him for not digging up more info about the Obamas’ personal life. Here is part of the letter:

"It is worth noting that you have not employed your investigative assets looking into Michelle Obama. You have not tried to find Barack Obama's drug dealer that he wrote about in his book, 'Dreams of My Father, nor have you interviewed his poor relatives in Kenya and determined why Barack Obama has not rescued them. Thus there is a terrific lack of balance here."
The McCain camp sent the letter in to FOX News, and the Times maintained its fair coverage of both candidates and story on Cindy McCain responding to ensuring that they went into depth on investigating the backgrounds of both families.

Frankly, the McCains are just salty concerning the story and trailing in the polls so they want to say that all of this is propaganda for the democratic party…personally, after I read the article, I kinda felt bad for Cindy; it didn’t make me look at her in a negative way. AND it’s not like the McCains are disputing ANY of the facts in the story. So I get it: Cindy doesn’t want her business out…understandable—for the average person...but too bad! You’re the wife of someone who is running for president! Your privacy rights are officially null and void. Get over it. Even those close to her were quoted in the article. Maybe she should talk to them about that or get better/discreet friends.

Anyway perhaps that’ll teach her to stop talking about Michelle Obama (the hottest chick in the game) and her being unpatriotic. Hope Cindy stopped poppin’ those pills. She’s lookin awfully frail and skinny



Sas said...

I completely agree!

Chris Smith said...

That heiffer is always complaining about something, be it the interview on the View, or Obama voting against the same bills that John MccCain does. Tell her to put a sock in it.