Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Facebook Ruins Relationships

The key to saving a relationship is to get off facebook. That shit ruins lives. If I hear one more person say “Unless you're dating on Facebook, it is not official,” I’m going to tell them about themselves. That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. Frankly, I think a relationship is more real if it’s not on Facebook because you’ll probably have a better chance of making it work and heaven forbid ya'll break up, you won't have the whole world in your shit. Facebook is the perfect tool for stalkers. I’ve deactivated my account for numerous reasons (those stalkers get all up in people’s biz), but I hear people talk about it all the time. This one girl I know was dating someone for a month when he added her as his girlfriend on Facebook. Her “in a relationship with (insert name here)” bar was not visible although she accepted the invite that he sent her. He got really mad about it, removed her from his relationship bar and a week later they broke up. That’s really just a case of bitchassness and bitchassness is getting even more prevalent in the community, make no mistake [blog on that coming soon.] People can’t even get poked anymore without a significant other seeing that shit and getting upset. In any case, the top three reasons for conflict concerning relationships and friendships, in my opinion, are listed below:

  1. The Facebook wall- this is the worst weapon of all. Plain and simple. People write some really reckless shit that you would rather not have the world see. And aside from that, there are some really jealous people out there. I can’t even count how many times I’ve heard “who are all of those guys/girls who are always writing on my girl’s/man’s wall…wtf.” This is also a really popular one: “Oh hell no, so you had time to be writing on so-and-so’s wall, but you were too busy to call me last night??” I CANT wit that shit though…smh
  2. Do you remember that first day that Facebook introduced the mini-feed and no one knew how to turn it off? Madd relationships were obliterated that day lmao. People got caught OUT there. It got so bad that Zuckerman had to send out a message letting everyone know how to access their privacy settings to customize exactly what they wanted/didn’t want people to see. Everyone knew who was in a relationship with whom, who broke up and when, who was writing on who’s wall, who was commenting on what pics…it was a crazy/funny day. I think we all knew a little more about each other that day than we cared to lol
  3. Don’t have pictures tagged to your account. I have witnessed many a conversation that went something like this “so where did you say you were Saturday night? Oh really? Cause I remember you saying you were too busy to go out with me, but on FACEBOOK, I see you tagged in madd pics at (insert name here)’s party.” You already see where that is going…Pictures are dangerous cause even if you don’t get them tagged, you gotta make sure other people don’t post pics of you anyway. Or sometimes you might be in a background of a pic and not even know it. If you are somewhere you are not supposed to be, my advice is to just avoid cameras at all costs.

Bonus. One last thing--when it comes to gift-giving...please make the gifts anonymous! Not everyone needs to know who's giving you what or who you are giving things to. That causes a lot of unnecessary speculation and drama.

This clearly is not an exhaustive list, but comments are welcomed!


Sas said...

I have seen people get caught up in the game because of facebook. it definitely is breeding grounds for stalker-ism and a healthy host for insecurity. If you are in a relationship it probaly is best to just save yourself the embarassment and to just leave that info off offacebook. it might help to tell your sidepiece to know his/her place and stop writing shit on your wall.

Janco said...

I’m sayin tho... is FB really the devil? True, I understand ‘that shit ruins lives’. I’ve seen it too. But I had to stop and think; what’s the motivation behind volunteering personal information anyway? I imagine people expect a bit of hostility, a sprinkle of salt, and several straws dipped in the proverbial kool aid. So assuming people know what drama is to come, why still voluntarily put your business in the street? Maybe, the truth is not really the truth until its viewed by allot of people. Kinda like a wedding, it’s a mandate that if you get married, people should be there to witness it. I see FB being the solution to a whole host of problems. For instance, if you want to get married... nevermind the chapel, nevermind the priest, just switch up the status... instantaneously everyone you know will vouch for you that you are indeed married. If you find someone else you’d rather be married to, just rinse and repeat. Feel me. So perhaps people volunteer the info as a way to solidify whatever arrangement they’ve made. Maybe FB is like a microcosm of life’s problems where our decisions are open to real criticism. If that’s the truth, then we should probably take it more seriously.

HinPH said...

If people would be up front and honest none of these things would be an issue. When I found out the man I was seeing was on Facebook I asked him about it. He refused to add me as a friend so I refused to continue sleeping with him. He expected me to share physical intimacy with him when I wasn't even allowed to see his page? Ridiculous! Obviously he had something to hide from me or he was hiding me from someone else. Why can't people just be real??!

Anonymous said...

my boyfriend wont leave facebook even though i have asked him, it makes me uneasy im constantly paranoid whos talking to him, and what is being said, we had a massive bust up, i asked him choose, to stop all the aggro and guess what......he chose facebook. says it all doesnt it. yes it ruins lives.

BklynChica said...

Facebook and myspace need to go..on some real sh* there are too many reasons to even list but it really has become a day and age of endless cybersmut entire 2 year relationship with someone i thought i knew was a lie..unmasked by a simple night of sluething..multiple profiles..secret lives and all sorts of lovely things i found out about someone i slept next to..who i didnt know at all..these social networks are a nit in everyones hair..and the underage children posting half naked pics just adds insult to injury..pervs stalk and know everything they need to know with little effort..i hope one day these sites get shut down..leta go back to finding a number in a

Pangerban said...
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