Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bald is beautiful ?

In the past week, I've run across TWO different stories in TWO different reputable literary sources (Glamour and Allure) on male landscaping-- i.e. "MAN-SCAPING". Is it really that much of a phenomenon? Or are these magazines just running out of things to talk about? Perhaps there is a quota on how many "Have better orgasms" articles they can print each year, and they have decided to get at the fellas instead.

Now, for those who don't now what "man-scaping" is - let me fill you in. Man-scaping is basically any kind of hair removal from a man's body other than from his face or scalp. This can include shaving or waxing, like "chest man-scaping", a la "The 40-year old Virgin", or something a little more intricate (to say the least) .... i.e. the "Brozilian", a male equivalent to a Brazilian. In fact, both Jay-Z and Diddy have
publicly admitted to having had "Brozilians". In this month's Allure, Diddy states, "I shave and groom my private areas. It's a better presentation for me. If men require women to go through the pain, we should return the favor."

See now, I appreciate that Diddy realizes that he holds his women to a high standard when it comes to personal grooming and is willing to do the same for his partners, but um really, is this necessary? I mean, its one thing to trim and keep tidy but is the prepubescent hairless look really that sexy? Isn't being hairy one thing men are good at? Let's not even explore the pain/stubble/ or ingrown hair aspect to this scenario. And although I am secretly delighted that some men are experiencing the sheer level of pain that is a result of hot wax being spread across their unmentionables and quickly ripped off, it doesn't mean I want my man to build a relationship with the same chick who waxes my eyebrows. Also, I feel like this puts some pressure back on women in an subtle, underhanded way. If you stay on top of your wax game ...does that mean I have to too?

Now there are many different hypothesises on the causes of this phenomenon. Of course, there is that long held rumor that "it makes it look bigger", or the suggestion that there is an element of extra sensitivity when hair free. But overall, I blame porn, and in particular hi-definition pornography, for this craze. I think men are beginning to try to capture the unrealistic physical expectations displayed in pornography that has long plagued females. I have hard time believing that most average men would 1. come up with this idea on their own without seeing it on t.v., and 2. really want to lift their leg up and to the side so that Kim Lee can get those stubborn stray hairs.

What I do know is that I'm going to feel real strange if my man got shy one night because he missed his standing wax at Bliss. I have a hard time thinking of anything un-sexier. So what do you think? Is it too much to enjoy a little bit of chest hair on a man (and some below), or should we be exploring the whole new ball game...hair free...


Elle V said...

You know, contrary to popular belief I have no problem at all playing the hairless ball game!! I mean think about it, what about the guys who don't have that good hair, who even when they shave their face leave it rough and stubby pricking a woman's skin as they rub against it. That bothers the hell out of me. I would much rather lay my head down on a clean smooth chest than end up with some skin irritation from the roughness of my man. Now eyebrows are a different story, totally out of the question!! Its funny, I read this article too that suggested, a man’s fetish with waxing could be a minor rebellion against the major rebellion of the 1960s and 1970s, when hair did double duty as a personal statement and political act.

I strongly believe that a person's preference on “man-scaping” strongly depends on the relationship they are in as well as the levels/ extremes they will go to in order to achieve that sexual euphoria. If they aren't adventurous in bed, or don't partake in "wild sex" so to speak, I think it’s harder for them to appreciate "man-scaping". Of course this is just my opinion but I mean if they are kickin’ it with the good ol' missionary, then you are probably the farthest thing away from wanting your man to get waxed.

I know a lot of men who hate it when a woman gets a Brazilian because of discomfort during sex as well as their inability to appreciate its aesthetics (lol). So I don’t think that men really hold women to an even higher standard by waxing themselves…I mean its women who started getting their butts-holes waxed (now that I have always found to be crazy)!!

So all in all:
Eyebrows: Heck NO!!!
Chest: Definitely!!
Pubic Area: As you so please…

nat said...

Well inquisitive, I see you've stayed true to your name and explored this topic thoroughly.

I see some of your points there...although I'm not quite sure that waxing is a definitive litmus test for how sexually free your man is. I mean you can be just as freaky with a well hedged patch of hair as you can without (this stands for men and women both).

See, I have no problem with maintenance, but a man who is smoother than me...I don't know about that one so much. And what about when it starts to grow back? I mean we women know that sometimes life gets in the way of our regular grooming habits. If your man is a bit lazy about getting a shape up on his head up top, can you imagine what he'll be like when he needs to shape up the other head down below.

As for stubble, maybe I'm in the minority, but I don't mind some stubble. I mean I don't want my man to look like he's still got mink vest on after he's already taken off shirt...but some chest hair never hurt nobody. And as for the face...I love it when a man's stubble rubs against my face or neck, it makes me feel like pulling him to a corner some place....but let me not get ahead of myself lol.

But in all, I stand in aggreement with you about waxing the anal area (ouch!), but hey as you say do "As you please..."

Btw, love the shoes....

CTS Performance said...

This is insightful! However, you have managed to demonstrate your lack of awareness with respect to the reasons why "MANSCAPING" will become increasingly more popular.
There are two common misconceptions:

1) Men can't come up with ideas that are not inspired by "HOW CAN I GET MORE ASS", on their own.
2) The origins of "Manscaping" are female inspired sorry. ( Everything else maybe...lol)

Athletes, believe it or not, intuitively manscape for several reasons.

1) Being hairy and sweaty creates an obnoxious,influvious odor.

2) Some athletes like the security of athletic tape. However they hate the feeling of hair ripping out of their pores becuase they forgot to shave ("MANSCAPE").

3) Manscaping allows more defined musculature and features to be visible.

As far as holding women to a porn standard.....Hmmm The porn industry is a reflection of the desires we have as a society.
Clearly there is a desire by both Women and Men to fantasize about their ideal physical specimens with whom they wish to be intimate. This is supported the success and rate of growth of the porn industry during the last several decades. (Recessions and all)

Obviously both women and men have failed to meet these standards....lmao!

People groom yourselves to create a better presentation, ease of cleanliness and the idea that you thought of someone else.

Brozillian well thats just extremely METRO.....

nat said...

cts ... I see your points, but I'm not quite sure if manscaping for average guy is done with the intention of increasing their performance on track field vs. improving their look in the sack (which we can argue is a sport itself..but that's another post).

See now, if I was dating Micheal Phelps or Bolt, I would not complain about you being hairless. But if your Sundays are spent more watching football, rather than playing, don't tell me you gave yourself a new haircut for next week's tag football game.

It seems to me that you seem a bit hesitant of the "Brozilian" phenom yourself (since you do agree its extreemely metro)...But in all, I do agree with many of your points, in particular at the end, about manscaping being an,"idea that you thought of someone else"...I just don't know if bare is the way to go.