Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ever had a REAL Conversation?

Ever had to have a real conversation with someone? For those of us who like to keep it classy…we like to have ‘real conversations’ with certain individuals. If you don’t know what it is… I would say that having a real conversation with someone is a spin off of “telling like it is” or “keeping it real,” but it’s more classy, sophisticated...if you will…a tool of EBP (Educated Black People …still don’t know google it). Having a real conversation with someone is not intentionally hurtful or mean…. But instead you are clearly and effectively expressing the truth and your concerns since they seem to have gone unnoticed for sometime. It may be the case that the individual is not ready for what you are about to let them know…so things may get ugly before they get better.
Usually the point at which you find yourself needing to have a real conversation with someone is close to when it will actually happen, because its simply UNAVOIDABLE. It’s usually something that needs to be done…because frankly the BS has gone on for waaay to long and you feeling like “I need to handle this before I choke ole’ girl.” Once you put it in your mind that that’s it’s not okay for them to carry on the way that they are, you won’t be at ease until you express yourself. If you are still unsure of what a real conversation is please read the following scenarios and think back to when you may have had to have a real conversation with someone.

  • When you loaned your friend money out of the kindness of your heart and a couple weeks go by and they still haven’t paid you back; yet, you notice that she got a fresh blow out/ or he got on fresh kicks; meanwhile you scrapping together paper bag lunches trying to get by cause you made a sacrifice for they ass. A real conversation needs to be had about when they gonna pay you back and why you struggling at their expense. Real… talk, maybe if you weren't getting so many blowouts or new kicks you wouldn’t need to borrow cash in the 1st place…those keds get you to and work just fine.
  • When your friend doesn’t understand that a bootycall is not a relationship…and she is running around telling everyone about your nightly activities and blowing things out of proportion…a real conversation needs to be had. Real talk…Coming over at 4am is not a breakfast date boo.
  • When you come back from lunch and you notice repeatedly that your coworker is eyeing you, or when you get off of a personal phone call they eyeing you again. How about when you chatting with your friend on gchat and that’s when they decide to come over and ask you about a report due next week as if to warn you about your productivity. A real conversation need be had about he or she clocking your work when they not your supervisor. Real talk…You don’t see me saying nothing about your oh so convenient coffee breaks or on Monday morning how you feel the need to let your girlfriend know about your weekend escapades while the rest of us were preparing for the work week.
  • When your homegirl beings to think she's the third person in your relationship. Filling you in on your man's whereabouts or asking about his upcoming projects as if she's a consultant. A real conversation needs to be had about the fact that she need not be overly concerned about your man and vocalizing how great he is. Real talk…Yes, I like my man in that vest too, but you don't need to mention it 5 times about how good he looks in it
Feel free to share any situations in which you had to have a real conversation with someone over some ole’ bullshit. Stay tuned for the Rules of a real conversation and when a real conversation goes wrong.

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