Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote for Change...TODAY! Obama 2008!

Let's give credit where credit is due. Whether it be to vote for him or to vote against him, Barack Obama has really moved everyone to get up and vote. This morning I went out to the polls in my hometown of Roosevelt, Long Island. It was amazing to see the long line that stretched out the doors of the local catholic school. Many of the poll workers were saying that this is the first time they have ever even seen a line at such an early hour. Despite the long lines, people were smiling, feeling upbeat and motivated for change.

Often, we New Yorkers are given a bad wrap for being rather unfriendly, but the friendly attitudes at the polls this morning would prove any outsider wrong. Everyone had that glimmer of hope in their eyes. It goes without saying that a history (ourstory) is being made and we are all excited to take part. Nonetheless I think that there is another source of excitement in that people actually have decided to believe in our government. The large turnout in polls shows that people feel like their one vote will indeed make a difference. I have done my fair share of campaigning in the streets in the past...when Bush was up for reelection...it was depressing to see the amount of people who weren't bothering to vote because they didn't think their vote mattered...yet look what's going on today! People feel like someone has come along who genuinely cares about them and that he is truly down for a change. People actually have taken an interest in government.
It felt good to vote! if you haven't already please get out and do it our friend below did!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes Change Indeed! Today as I walked in the Firehouse to vote in my hometown of Hempstead, Long Island the lines were long! The people were out! There was a multitude of people from all walks of life old, young, mammas, pops, people who had on pjs, people dressed for work and children! I was so excited! I ran into my 6th grade teacher old classmates and neighborhood buddies... The Hood was out!!!Its funny some peple I hadn't seen in so long but we were all out for that ONE mission CHANGE...The most inspiring part of my day was actually before I went to vote and left my house....I actually did my usual morning routine of going downstairs to my grandmas house and to my SUPRISE her and my mother had already went and voted at 6am!!!! My Grandma who goes no where lol was out for the CHANGE!!! Born in 1935 she has seen more than us...been face to face with the "Racism" we read about and today on November 4th my Grandma VOted! My heart screams my eyes tear up because while she smiles and is content u and I never truley know the excitement and she is feeling inside we can only imagine....With that said Enjoy your day all! the CHANGE is here and now..Be Blessed!