Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Black People Are Not Ready For a Black President

I am very well aware that some people will not agree with how I feel or what I’m about to say…but who cares, this is my blog! Haha anyway there is something that is on my mind and I felt the need to express said thoughts.

To be frank, I am highly concerned. I do not think that black people, as a whole are prepared adequately equipped for having Barack Obama (or any other black man) as our president. What I mean by that is “niggas are just not acting right.” One of my dear associates said that he did not think black people were ready for equality…while I agree with him, I don’t think that we currently have achieved universal equality at all… Just because he is black does not mean that the ENTIRE race has achieved equality…every time I hear “WE in there!” I shake my head…no WE are not…HE (and family) is in there, and they worked hard for it. My issue is that people are not realizing that 1. He did not run specifically for black people, and 2. He was a man qualified for the job, wanted to change the world, and “happened” to be black. He did not run AS the black presidential candidate…granted there’s nothing he could do because although our president-elect is half African-American AND half white, following in line with the “one-drop rule,” for all intents and purposes, everyone just calls him black.

And if we DID have equality, I still stand by my stance that black people just are not ready. I received a text today (one of many) saying to drink a lot of water cause there are gonna be a lot of salty crackers…I’m not gonna lie and say I didn’t give a lil chuckle at first out of pure shock…but then it was like damn, this is a prime example of the ignorance I’m talking about. That text was the complete antithesis of what Barack stands for. That is not what he wants. He is half white ("cracker" if you will), but people completely ignore that.

Another comrade of mine said it best when he said just because we have a black president does not mean that the ignorance will cease to exist in America. However, I don’t think a majority understand the magnitude. Having Barack Obama as a president has proven that it will only bring more ignorance. People will feel more comfortable because he’s president and it brings black people under more scrutiny as well…and we’re failing the damn test!

Anyway, people, I’m just really embarrassed. White people around the world predicted this type of behavior…black people just declaring this a holiday and being real reckless. People are going insane. Before you know it, people will be smoking weed outside like oh it’s ok, we got a black pres…NO people it’s NOT OK lol (although they should just legalize it…not even on no Barack Obama shit as an excuse). You don’t want people to think “look at this coonery, maybe we made a mistake” which is definitely what was said to me earlier. We don’t need to be talking about how they are gonna be frying chicken up in the White House or having chitlins or anything else that can be regarded as stereotypically “black.” It’s really not necessary. Get right and act right.

White people voting for Barack was a bit cathartic as well. You know it made them feel good to counteract effects of racism by casting their vote for a black guy. It helps to relieve thoughts of their own level of prejudice, whatever the level…but honestly, this is about to make them never vote for a black man again. We need to think of the future as well as the present and this isn’t boding well for black people. This is not just a historical moment for black people. The man just happened to be black and that’s great, but in all seriousness, this is a really historical moment for AMERICA and the world.

On a side note though, talk about a great night for the Obama’s. It was a beautiful moment when his family came out to support him. It’s so nice to see a couple so in love these days…you know Michelle put it on Barack like nobody’s business when they got home… your man just got elected to be president and you first lady…talk about an aphrodisiac! lmao


Contrarian said...

It is the whole premise of your position that I take issue with. It is not that your view is inherently "incorrect" with regards to the manifestation of Barack's ascension to the highest office; sadly "Nigga's don't know how to act". I instead query "what has borne this abhorrent shame of thyne own self?" that has prompted such an assertion?

I will already confess that my response somewhat straws the "arguments" you have put forth, but I'm much more interested in why you feel Barack, or any other "qualified"(that term itself could be the subject of another posting entirely) black man will suffer the opprobrium of a certain percentage of the populace's ignorance? In order to reach his new post, he obviously had to navigate the political and cultural minefields with uncanny deftness and prudence. Point in fact he doesn’t even lay claim to "our community" as black people, more so as just the ones who don’t look like the people on the faces of money (woe is Sacagawea). He'll be straight, we still love him. Since America expects us to act a fool, we'll kindly oblige in his honor; no harm, no foul.

That brings us to what I think is the real reason for this post- shame. It is this feeling that has many an educated Negro constantly on edge when in settings of diversity. In the workplace I'm sure we are all too keenly aware of not coming off as the ABM or ABW in front of others (re: white folk). This isn't because we actually are the person we portray; we just want them to think we are because we "fear" their conceptions of labeling us as just another nigger. If you think I'm wrong then for all those reading this post, think about whether or not you are the "black friend" that white people so often cite as an example exonerating them from being racist. Or put in another light, if you are the only black person in a particular cipher and how that affects your behavior. I can pretty much guarantee all your words end in "er" and you "isn’t never fixin' to do nothin"; you are probably "on the precipice of enacting" or whatever other conjugation you can devise.

Quick refocus: it's not that blacks aren’t ready for Barack, or that he'll suffer from our behavior, it's that you think too much of what the white man thinks to the effect that you don’t want to be viewed like "those blacks" because you support the same cause- Barack.

This is yet another paradigm about how "we" are viewed as a people. Contrary to larger public perception black culture is not monolithic. This is not news to us, but actually I don’t think it's news to white people either. With many of us being the aforementioned "exception", then noting that very fact acknowledges that we are not all the same. What I think we struggle with as "educated" or uppity or arugula eaters, etc is that we want white people and society as a whole to see that we are not actually that exception- there are many more like us. Unfortunately we just don’t throw a ball as far or run as fast or rap as "well" as they who are known to white people en masse. As we become "like them" they will continually seek out those who are not- for better or worse. Cue the phrase- "you're different" that means not that you're different from them, white people, you're different from "them", other black people. That stands as your litmus for acceptance, affirmation. That should be what you were striving for in a manner of speaking- not to be viewed as different from your peers. It's the fear of association with "them" that gets you feeling all uncomfortable when a vagrant asks you in particular for change because you share a base level of pigment and not your fairer comrades. Or at the Christmas party you refrain from dancing to Beyonce's latest "I claim to be independent but really just want the right man to put a ring on my finger" song, even though that is your latest misandrist anthem in the club with your own people. Oh but let some "Put some sugar on me" come on, we play along rocking out like we're down with Def Leopard. “Excuse me bartender, I’ll want to order a standard drink… better yet, make that a double.”

Again- it's your shame, not theirs.

Barack Hussein Obama, a black man (one-drop rule be damned) won the first presidency in a western country. More aptly put: THE western country. Overzealous rejoicing can be excused, both black and white. The fact that there will be an Obama dance will be negated by the inevitable Ben and Jerry's flavored ice cream. Feel free to continue to temper your exurberence for somebody else's sake- it's your choice. I just warn you they may not notice or appreciate as much as you would like them to.

This rejoinder doesn't serve as an excuse for Negroes and West-Indians and Africans alike (there is a difference, oh yes) to act like they don’t have any sense. Nothing does. The point is that most of them would act this way regardless; the reason is incidental. Call it a naiveté but I have a little more faith in the white man, and a lot more faith in us to categorize the difference. Besides, Barack is a college graduate, has kids by one woman- his wife, and no record- can't we as a people find some common ground on the fact that we all can dig on the Colonel's secret blend of herbs and spices without feeling guilty about it, I’m sure the White House has ample napkins.

Nara said...

Uhhh yea I’m not gonna sugarcoat shit. I’m trying to make it in a “white man’s world” and I’m not gonna make it being viewed like “those blacks” as you so eloquently put it. And you know this. Let’s be real.

And overzealous rejoicing might very well be excusable, but I’m good on the racial slurs (this can’t be on some anything goes type shit). Barack is half white so I’m pretty sure he’d be offended to hear what those people who are partaking in overzealous rejoicing are saying. But of course no one’s thinking about that. If McCain won and his supporters were like “yes! We kept the niggers out the White House,” people would wanna be calling everyone racist…but the other way around, it’s ok? I’m good on the double standards. The bottom line is this: niggas don’t know how to win or lose. We win and we talk shit, we lose and we talk shit lol it’s remarkable, really.

I think a lot of people also need to realize that although anyone can read this blog, the only ones reading it are college-educated. When I say blacks are not ready for a black president, I’m talking about the MAJORITY of blacks who are not college educated and who are living in the projects and voted for Barack solely on the strength of his “blackness.” So WE (educated folk with a good head on our shoulders) might be ready, but IIIIIII (emphasis on “I”) do not think they are. I’m more than happy and emotional about this progression, but I don’t need to be feeding into negative stereotypes. So be happy! But have a little pride in the way you act.

Hopefully this election will ignite a fire in hearts and minds of blacks to be more responsible and self reliant.

Anyway the purpose of this blog was to be controversial and incite rigorous debate. I’m glad it did that as I have gotten many side comments…I say just post your comments on here…I don’t practice censorship and I really don’t care who agrees/disagrees with me. Exercise your right to free speech!

Sas said...

I think that the tone of this rather angry and shameful ...I think you should chill out and let people be happy. It's only been like 2 days since he became president elect. People will calm down eventually.

Besides, black people are happy and it's been a while since we have had one uniting factor to truly be happy about. I know we dream of a perfect world...but ignorance will always exist. There are just as many ignorant white folks in this country as there are black...if not more! They were showing their faces during the McCain rallies when saying things like they don't trust Barack and calling him a muslim (as if thats bad) and calling him a straight up "NIGGER".

What does it matter whether black people are ready or not? Barack Obama is here and he is here to EVERYONE is gonna have to get used to it. So just jump down off your high horse for a bit and celebrate with your people for a bit. You still got your good education and job to go back to after.

Nara said...

Just because there are a lot of ignorant people does not mean that everyone should just go around being ignorant. "Oh he killed my mother so I'm gonna kill his" uh NO. Two wrongs don't make a right ha.

It does not matter whether people are ready or not. He's here and it's a great thing. But I, and once again emphasis on I, am just stating what I think and how I feel. So sorry to disappoint (lol actually not really), but no I won't be jumping off my "high horse." Maybe people should aim a little higher. I can say what I think and once again I really dont care who agrees or disagrees with me. People are too sensitive about this. Anyone is free to not read what I write, but I'm gonna continue to write. And I'm celebrating without having to act like a fool and like I don't have any sense. Anyways be happy people! Just try to act like you have some home training

B.Louise said...

I typically reserve my opinion however this moment is just too pressing to keep my thoughts exclusively for myself. Frankly, I do not even know where to begin and thank the previous two commentators for highlighting some of the ignorant and insensitive commentary and fallacies of this all too messy and inflammatory posting. If I have learned anything about the "progress" of Black American, however controversial it my be, it is often the members of that very group that are the most detrimental to its overall success and emancipation. Just days after the election of President-elect Barack Obama, such misguided judgments on the reactions of Black Americans is entirely disgusting. As much of the modern world celebrates and revels in this historic moment, the voice of this post chooses rather to align oneself with bitter unfounded discourse. Much to my own delight, I can say that you are truly in the minority.

I have been recently reading a book by scholar Sander Gilman on the issues of "Jewish Self Hatred." Please if this seems at all too random, bear with me until the point is further developed and unpacked. As many of us already know, the plight of Jewish peoples have reached from modern genocide dating back to the fall of the Second Temple. The discourse of discrimination and stereotyping pays many respects to the formation of the European, Western "other" the Jew. What became a modern phenomenon of assimilating Western Jews, longing to rid themselves of the Eastern motifs of Jewry (such as bearded, peddling, sickly, foreign, yellow skinned, parasitical, etc), was the concept of self-hatred. I believe that perhaps the first responder to this posting touched upon this sentiment in passing. However, self-hatred seemingly is an extremely self-righteous complicated, can I say, disorder, resulting from the ultimate rejection of one's self. Sander Gilman Quotes, "of all the strange phenomena produced by society, certainly one of the most puzzling is self-hatred." Puzzling indeed, as that was my initial reaction to this aforementioned posting. I rather ask why essentially hate yourself when there are so many others willing to do it for you?

As you mentioned your desire to make it in the "white man's world," such ambition has lead perhaps to your internalization of the tropes and stereotypes of the culture in which you rightfully belong. Your rejection of "Niggas" and assertion of college-educated Blacks is certainly a limited generalization, as you go further to assert those not in college are the MAJORITY who are living in the "projects." Such a haughty assumption, no? From my personal empirical understand, not college educated does not have a direct correlation to project living. It is just a false and irresponsible premise to be thrown around, when perhaps the members in our county's majority culture would love for such to be reality.

I would challenge you to perhaps take a lesson from the chapter of world history. I refer back to the plight of Europeans Jews seeking assimilation and acculturation, to the point of subjecting themselves to baptism and becoming the ultimate proponents of the anti-Semitism movement. As you continue your journey to acceptance into the White Man's world, I ask what will their excuse be next upon your rejection. For the Jews, the first rejection was their religion. When they converted to Christianity, it was their appearance. When they were seamless superficially, it became an innate barrier, where the Jewish heart and soul could never be totally German or European for that matter. This discourse is not alien to American where we see a continuation of invented barriers. Again despite the intense desire of the Jews to become European citizens and German citizens, their efforts, as we have seen through the Holocaust, were ultimately denied in many ways. This is not to say that this day will never happen, however, perhaps assimilation as you desire it is not the solution.

Frankly, your anger and bitterness is sorely misguided, when in fact you mean to be angry with "ignorant niggas" you are perhaps angry with the inescapable "nigga" within yourself. However, this is a perverse and unfortunate internalization on your behalf. When we begin to alter and create the standards by which we measure ourselves is when we will have a true and pure victory, not when our victory is determined by unrealistic rules meant to distort and undermine our own humanity.

My best advice would be perhaps to reguide your frustration, which is a bit more complex and vigorous than a simplistic misguided rant, which reveals more about your own character than those you are attempting to "call out." For in the moment when you need your community, even those outside your comfortable "college educated," they may be a bit apprehensive, or rather, dare to call you a traitor. And on a final note, haughtiness is very played out. We are all moving to better more intelligent grounds.

Signing out


*Sorry for any mispelling or syntax errors*