Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Girlfriend Code Rule I

Rule I
If your girlfriend VERBALLY expresses that she likes/has a crush/ hooked up with/ had a one night stand/ or had some serious flirting with a guy that she would like to date….he is off limits.

I’m addressing this 1st b/c it the most common mistake - usually is a fool proof way to dissolve a friendship.

Personally, I don’t get why women still refuse to get this—thousands of relationships would be saved if we simply followed this rule and stopped being underhanded. Women are possessive, and even if it did not work between her and him – it does not mean that she wants to see you together…ever… It’s just an honest fact. I mean really ladies, think of men like a pair of shoes. If you are scouting a pair of gorgeous pumps, day dreaming about them, bookmarking the URL on your computer, and just waiting for pay day so you can make your would you feel if your friend showed up with the last pair, in your size, talking about "Oh I didn't know you liked them,". Just the thought makes you want to slap a bitch, and ask her what parallel universe she is living in, considering you've been talking about those shoes for the past two weeks, and planning your Saturday night outfit around them. Now if your foolish girlfriend had really been listening and followed the code, you'd probably have that pair of faux crocodile purple pumps to wear with your skinny jeans right now, or better yet that tall, dark, and handsome guy you met at that party you went to last week.

Moreover, I would like to point out that at least 70% of the time, it’s so not worth it because the relationship that ensues is usually so drama riddled that it ends up imploding on itself, and in the end you'll just have to go back your inner circle...embarrassed and seeking forgiveness.

I’d also like to point out the key word in rule 1- VERBAL communication—you cannot be responsible for reading your friend’s mind. Ladies please remember, stating your claim is still a necessary step...even amongst the inner circle (its a hard world out there).
I cannot assume just because you smile at a guy that you're actually really interested -- you smile at everything with a penis.

Stay tuned for Rule II.....


Contrarian said...

I'm not sure if the word is ironic, or funny, or even sad, but the fact that prime sororal statute basically boils down to not being down with O.P.P. - where actual state of possession is real or imaginary.

I think I'll go with "sad".

One would think that the title of BFF would be bestowed based on what somebody does do, as opposed to who they don't do. Furthermore it would seem the root of it is either insecurity or flat out hate (and I don’t mean that in the funny Dave Chapelle kind of way). It's universally held that a person is "off-limits" if there was an actual relationship, but a crush? Is this the feminine post pubescent version of "that's my car?"

I guess therein lies one of the fundamental differences between the letters X and Y- anatomy not withstanding. A dude sees "shoes" he wants, he cops them. If his boy gets them first, he gets stays the course or moves on to finding a badder pair. Females, as this column would have me believe, want their claim to be respected like their feet are on some Cinderella mission. Good luck with that whole midnight fairy tale thing; I don't know many that actually involve females with any friends in them...

The Realtor's Corner said...

That should definitely be the rule #1 for all friendships, but unfortunately, it doesn't turn out like that all the time. and more likely than not, the dude is not even going to stay around that long, so now the girl is left wondering if destroying that bond she had with her friend was even worth the temporary fling that happened with dude. too bad more women don't think like this.